"If anyone saves a life, it would be as if he saved the life of many."

We know that there are many vunerable young people aged 14-25 who are facing issues with drugs and alcohol. We want to help those most vunerable to provide them with a safe environment where they can be encouraged to stop using and encouraged to do better.

We want better educational awareness of the danagers and mental health services to help stop the user.

We believe that young people should have a safe place where they can grow and develop there well being with out the influcence of drugs and alcohol and be provided with health services when they need the help.

Is it not time that we helped our future become stronger.


Contact Us

ML House, 9 North Street
Manchester, M8 8RE
+44 161 7888 000 or 
07580 788 000

About Us

We are a registered UK based charity with our charitable work focused mostly in Pakistan.

We believe that if you donate to Hand 2 Help, you will be placing your trust in us. We understand the obligation this places on us and vow to effectively, efficiently, morally and transparently distribute your donations.

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